Welcome to the Ready to Fight Viper Tailspinner Page.
Here you can configure a Viper Tailspinner bot in any combination you like, and even get a bundled discount over buying individually.
Note: A battery and transmitter mixed for robot drive are required to operate a Viper. If you don't already have those make sure to include them in your configuration.
Component Definitions:
Transmitter/Receiver: This is how you control the bot. Our transmitters come "pre-mixed" for robot drive.
2s 300mAh Battery: This is the standard battery for Viper kits.
3s 300mAh Battery: This is a high voltage battery upgrade that will make your robot drive faster and the weapon spin faster. It's weighs a little more but the bot is still under a pound.
B6 Neo Battery Charger: A brand new full featured charger that's incredibly compact and lightweight. For this bundle it includes the needed accessories to make it ready to go for your Viper.
Safety Clamp: Required at all competitions for any spinning weapon. This is used to disable the weapon when not in the arena to prevent unwanted spinups.
The Viper Combat Robot Kit is quite simply the best way to get into combat robotics.
- You will not find another robot kit with this functionality and expandability anywhere else.
- The Viper kit will teach you combat robotics in an accessible way and grow with you thru tournaments, weapon upgrades, customizations; all while you have fun learning, making new friends and acquiring all kinds of awesome skills.
Full details on the Viper Kit are available on the main Viper Page.